Kate Branchett Kate Branchett

Celebrating Kristina’s 10 years with Broadcast M.A.P.

This month we celebrate a special milestone for our Application Support Manager, Kristina Jozic - 10 years with Broadcast M.A.P.! 🎉 In honour of this achievement, and Kristina’s unwavering dedication to supporting both our team and clients we look back at her remarkable journey.

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Kate Branchett Kate Branchett

The Journey to OzTAM Gold Standard Accreditation

In today's digital era, data is indispensable for informed decision-making across industries. In television advertising, where consumer behaviours shift rapidly, data-driven strategies are essential. However, not all data is equally reliable. In this blog, we delve into the importance of data reliability in television advertising, the significance of OzTAM Gold Standard Accreditation and our journey to obtain it.

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